Be very careful while carrying the chemicals you will use in the laboratory. Wash the contaminated area with water immediately in case of contact with your skin or clothing. Clean up spilled chemicals immediately. Make sure your laboratory is well ventilated. Never smell chemicals and do your experiment with volatile chemicals under the fume cupboard. Before using the chemicals, you will use in the laboratory, read the “Material Safety Information (MSDS)” forms. Avoid direct contact with chemicals and always wear a lab coat. While experimenting, make sure that your apron is covered. If you are using them, wear your name tags on your chest not with the long lanyard but with a clip card.
The pressurized gas cylinders you use in the laboratory should always be secured with a strap or chain.
All chemicals used in laboratories must have labels.
When using chemicals, pay attention to good ventilation or to work in a fume hood.
If there is toxic or dangerous smoke, gas, or dust, work on the fume hood.
Use a dust mask while you are using powder chemicals. If you are working with materials that pose a health risk, use a mask appropriate for the situation.
Do not leave the containers with chemical substances open.